Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Snow Keeps Falling

As I finished my second run of the day earlier this evening, the most recent snow storm to hit Baltimore had already dusted the earth to the delight of school children and to the chagrin of ground crews, who are responsible for promptly disposing of the white, fluffy hazard. Thus far, winter has been particularly brutal in Baltimore, having dumped at nearly 3 feet of snow on the region since early December (this figure may be higher, as the largest storm delivered a wopping 20 inches).

Despite the inclement weather and my aversion to winter morning runs, I've managed to increase significantly my mileage over the past couple of weeks. Today, I logged at least 14 miles between two runs, one at 6:00AM and the other at 6:00PM, both in total darkness, bringing my weekly total to 39.25 miles. I detest morning runs, especially during the winter months when I must drag my weary body out of bed and into 20-degree air and engage in intense (not really) physical activity. However, double sessions are a requisite to healthily running high mileage, even my modest goal of 85 miles for this week. Not only do morning runs allow for one to accumulate more mileage, thus developing one's aerobic fitness, they also promote muscle recovery, which is essential in a training regimen that includes tempo and interval sessions.

In the past, I've had series motivation issues with rising before work to perform this most-loathed of tasks. I am hoping to overcome this issue, develop a positive attitude toward double sessions, and, ultimately, raise my mileage to level that will hopefully increase my fitness and provide a smoother transition to the marathon.

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